2023, 2024 Semester 1, VR/AR and the Metaverse, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey
Developed the module from scratch.
2023,2024 Semester 2, EEE2041 Computer Vision and Graphics, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey
2024, Farshad Einabadi, University of Surrey, UK. PhD thesis: "Neural Rendering and Relighting of Humans"
2024, Michal Kučera, Czech Technical University in Prague. PhD thesis: "Towards Interactive, Robust, and Stereoscopic Style Transfer"
2022, Felix Hähnlein, Inria, Universite C´ ote d’Azur, France. PhD thesis: "Binary Optimization for the Analysis and Synthesis
of Concept Sketches"
2022, Tarek Ben Charrada, École Nationale Supérieure de l’Électronique et de ses Applications CY University, France. PhD thesis: "3D Reconstruction from Single RGB Images"