
3D Reconstruction from Sketch with Hidden Lines by Two-Branch Diffusion Model
Eurographics 2024 Short Paper, 2024.


Fine-Tuned but Zero-Shot 3D Shape Sketch View Similarity and Retrieval
ICCV SHARP Workshop (ICCVW), 2023.

SketchXAI: A First Look at Explainability for Human Sketches
CVPR, 2023.

Garment Ideation: Iterative View-Aware Sketch-Based Garment Modeling
Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) (oral), 2022.

Structure-Aware 3D VR Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval
Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2022.

FS-COCO: Towards Understanding of Freehand Sketches of Common Objects in Context
ECCV, 2022.

Symmetry-driven 3D Reconstruction From Concept Sketches
SIGGRAPH North America, 2022.

One Sketch for All: One-Shot Personalized Sketch Segmentation
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.

A Study of Deep Single Sketch-Based Modeling: View/Style Invariance, Sparsity and Latent Space Disentanglement
Computers & Graphics, 2022.
Fine-Grained VR Sketching: Dataset and Insights
Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021.

Towards Fine-Grained Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021.


Lifting Freehand Concept Sketches into 3D
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020.

Pixelor: A Competitive Sketching AI Agent. So you think you can sketch?
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020.

Deep Sketch-Based Modeling: Tips and Tricks
Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) - (Spotlight), 2020.

Towards 3D VR-Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval
Proceedings of International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) - (Oral), 2020.

Towards Practical Sketch-based 3D Shape Generation: The Role of Professional Sketches
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2020.

OpenSketch: A Richly-Annotated Dataset of Product Design Sketches
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2019.

Bitmap or Vector? A study on sketch representations for deep stroke segmentation
Journées Francaises d'Informatique Graphique et de Réalité virtuelle, 2019.

High Dynamic Range Imaging: Problems of Video Exposure Bracketing, Luminance Calibration and Gloss Editing
PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Saarland University, 2017.

Gloss Editing in Light Fields
Proceedings of International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV), 2016.

Motion Aware Exposure Bracketing for HDR Video
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR), 2015.

Sky Based Light Metering for High Dynamic Range Images
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics), 2014.